Azure Machine Learning Service

Azure Machine Learning Service

Azure Machine Learning Service: Combination of Azure cloud services and Python SDK.

Create environment -> Prepare data -> Build models -> Train models -> Test models -> Manage models -> Track experiments -> Deploy models

Azure ML Studio

  • Web portal in Azure Machine Learning
  • Low-code and no-code options for project authoring
  • Authoring tools: Notebooks, AutoML and Designer.
  • Set of SDKs and cloud services to scale, monitor, and deploy ML models.

Three ways to machine learning projects in studio: * Azure Machine Learning designer * Automated Machine Learning UI * Notebooks

按代码量排序: 1. Automated ML 里配置自动化模型 2. Designer 里创建pipeline,拖拉拽step,用 Execute Python Script 嵌入代码 (见 aml2: AML Designer) 3. Notebooks 里用 PythonScriptStep 创建pipeline (见 aml1: AML Pipelines ) 4. Notebooks 里纯代码创建模型 (见 aml3: AML Notebook)

Compute Target

Attached to your Azure Machine Learning Workspace. Can be used to run pipelines and host deployed models as real-time endpoints or pipeline endpoints.

  • Azure Machine Learning Compute: Training
  • Azure Kubernetes Service: Deployment
Compute Target Automated ML AML Pipelines AML Designer
Local Computer Yes
AML compute cluster Yes Yes Yes
AML compute instance Yes (through SDK) Yes
Remote VM Yes (SDK local mode only) Yes
Azure Databricks Yes Yes


  • 支持开源算法:Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, CNTK, PyTorch
  • Automated 数据处理,Automated 算法选择,Automated 超参数选择
  • Pipeline:串联step(数据准备/模型训练测试/模型部署),rerunnning指定step,不同step不同执行环境,创建可复用模板
  • 集成 VS Code
  • 部署模型 in ONNX format

ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) 的本质只是一套开放的 ML 模型标准,模型文件存储的只是网络的拓扑结构和权重,ONNX 的目的在于提供一个跨框架的模型中间表达框架,用于模型转换和部署

Build, Train and Deploy a Model步骤:

  1. create Azure subscription -> resouce group -> workspace
  2. import data -> prepare and clean data
  3. train model -> test and tune model -> register model
  4. compute target -> scoring file -> environment config file -> inference config
  5. deploy model -> test model (web service)


创建 Workspace: * Workspace name * Azure subscription ID * Resource group name * Location

每个Workspace配备: * Key Vault * Container Registry * Storage Account * Application Insights

Load Workspace

from azureml.core.workspace import Workspace
ws.write_config() # save workspace config file
ws = Workspace.from_config() # load an existing workspace
ws = Workspace.get(name="myworkspace", subscription_id='<subscription_id>', resource_group='myresourcegroup')

Build and Train a Model

Import Data

  • AML Datasets (recommended): A reference to the data and its location together with a copy of its metadata
  • Import Data Module: online data sources / data store / HTTP URL

Prepare and Clean Data

Transformation functions: * drop * dropna * rename * concat * transpose * replace * fillna * sum

Train Model

split data

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

Automatic featurization 自动特征化:

  • Generate more features – aka feature engineering 生成更多特征
  • Impute missing values 插补缺少的值
  • Transform – numeric to categorical 转换
  • Encode – one-hot encoding and one-hot hash encoding 编码
  • Drop features that have high cardinality or no variance 删除高基数或者无差异的特征
  • Cluster distance 群集距离
  • Word embeddings 单词嵌入,文档特征矢量

Steps to use Automated ML: 1. Determine problem type:Classification,Regression,TimeSeriesforecasting 2. Decide between using Python SDK or the studio web experience 3. Determine the source and format of training data 4. Configure compute target for model training: Local computer, Azure ML Computes, Azure Databricks, remote VMs 5. Configure AutoML parameters 6. Submit the run 7. Examine the outcome

Save Model

Model 保存为 pickle 文件(.pkl) * Can be loaded later for predictions * Is the serialized version of the model. * Provides an efficient way to save model and transfer over the network. * Can be loaded and un-serialized using the load() method. * Can be used to load the model for further actions.

Register Model

Model registeration allows you to store and version the model. A registered model can be downloaded and deployed.

Compute Target: * AKS: Real-time High-Scale Production * AML Compute: Batch prediction from AML Pipelines * ACI: Quick testing * AZure IoT Edge: IoT * FPGA: Web

Deploy a Trained Model

Scoring File (.py)

two functions in * init() 加载模型 * run(input_data) 预测数据

from sklearn.externals import joblib
from sklearn.linear_model import <algorithm_name> from azureml.core.model import Model
def init():
  global model
  model_path = Model.get_model_path ('<pkl_file_name>')
  model = joblib.load(model_path)
def run(raw_data):
  data = json.loads(raw_data)['data']
  data = numpy.array(data)
  result = model.predict(data)
  return result.tolist()

Environment Configuration File (.yml)

  • Defines the conda environment for the model. (conda-dependency file)
  • Used to make sure all model dependencies are included in the container image.
from azureml.core.conda_dependencies import CondaDependencies
env1 = CondaDependencies.create(conda_packages=['scikit-learn'])
with open("<yml_file_name>","w") as f: f.write(env1.serialize_to_string())

inference configuration

describes how to set up the web-service containing your model.

from azureml.core.model import InferenceConfig
inference_config = InferenceConfig(runtime= "python", entry_script="",

Deploy to Compute Target

service = model.deploy( workspace=ws, name='<service_name>', deployment_config=aciconfig, models=[model],
inference_config = inference_config )

Consume Deployed Model

A web service is created if image is deployed to ACI/AKS/FPGA

Deploying as web service creates a REST API. Can use HTTP to send requests and receive responses

import json
test_input = json.dumps({'data':[[i1, i2, ...]]}) 
prediction = = test_input) Print(prediction)


Azure monitor is a full stack monitoring service in Azure.

  • Metrics:可以添加 Model Deploy Failed 到 dashboard
  • Alert:Alert rule: Model Deploy Failed 发送邮件到选择的 action group

AML Pipelines

1.Install AML SDK -> create workspace

2.Set up data store

workspaceblobstore (default) / workspacefilestore

datastore = ws.get_default_datastore # SDK v1
default_store = ml_client.datastores.get_default() # SDK v2

3.Upload data to storage

4.Create Data Reference object

from import DataReference
stored_data = DataReference(
  datastore = MyDefault_Store,
  data_reference_name = "FlightDelay_dataset", path_on_datastore = ("FlightDelay/part-00000")
) configuration (pip package dependencies / SDK version)

6.Create PipelineData object

from azureml.pipeline.core import PipelineData
normalized_data = PipelineData(
  name = "normalized_flight_delay_data",
  data_store = default_store

7.Construct pipeline steps

need to define: * input / output * compute target / run configuration * other required parameters

DataCleaningStep = PythonScriptStep(
  name="Clean Data", 
  compute_target=MyAml_Compute_Target, runconfig=MyAml_Run_Config, source_directory=<path_to_Python_script>, 

8.Build pipeline

from azureml.pipeline.core import Pipeline
PPLines_Steps = [CleaningStep, NormalizingStep] # 定义step顺序
MyPipeline = Pipeline(workspace = ws, steps = PPLines_Steps)

9.Submit pipeline

from azureml.core import Experiment
PPLine_Run = Experiment(ws, "exp_name").submit(MyPipeline,regenerate_outputs = True)

10.View progress

from azureml.widgets import RunDetails
# get step output
def fetch_df(step, output_name):
    output_data = step.get_output_data(output_name)    
    download_path = './outputs/' + output_name
    # download to local, overwrite=True)
    df_path = get_download_path(download_path, output_name) + '/processed.parquet'
    return pd.read_parquet(df_path)
y_test = fetch_df(split_step,[['cost']]


Train Model -> Package Model -> Validate Model -> Deploy Model -> Monitor Model -> Retrain Model

模型衰退(Model Decay) 历史的模型效果并不能保证未来的模型效果

7 Principles of MLOps * Version control code, data, and experimentation outputs * Use multiple environment * Manage infrastructure and configurations-as-code * Track and manage machine learning experiments * Test code, validate data integrity, model quality * Machine learning continuous integration and delivery * Monitor services, models, and data

MLOPs solution Architecture aml

Azure Event Grid

AML events:

  • Run completion
  • Model registration
  • Model deployment
  • Data drift detection
  • Run status change

Use cases:

  • Send emails on run completion
  • Use an azure function after a model is registered
  • Trigger an ML pipeline when drift is detected
Category: Cloud

Author: Yoga

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