Feature Toggle

Feature Toggles (often also refered to as Feature Flags) are a powerful technique, allowing teams to modify system behavior without changing code. 允许团队不用修改代码而来改变系统的功能行为。

Feature Toggling” is a set of patterns which can help a team to deliver new functionality to users rapidly but safely.


Types of Feature Toggles

  • Release Toggle: When developing code that is not ready for consumption and has a high risk of breaking the application. 发布型:出现在生产环境上,用于开放或者隐藏部分特性功能的toggle;
  • Experimental Toggle: When performing multivariate testing (e.g. AB Testing). 体验型:即A/B testing,用于区分A、B方案的实际使用情况;
  • Operation Toggle: When rolling out a new feature with unclear performance impact. 操作型:提供给操作员工的一系列特殊操作。比如遭到DOS攻击时可以关掉网络端口。
  • Permission Toggle: Used in cases of dogfooding, alpha and beta programs. 权限型:使得部分指定范围内的用户可以体验到新特性功能,而并不是面向全部用户。

Why Feature Toggle

Feature Toggle allows us to decouple Release from Deployment

  • Deployed: A technical concern that applies in the domain of the team and means the functionality is introduced in Production.
  • Released: A business term that defines functionality being available to an end-user. Deployed doesn’t necessarily mean Released.

每两个周发布一次生产版本,但是同时又需要去维护一个很多个月才能进行发布的特性分支。feature toggle可以保障团队成员们在开发主线(mainline)上的工作不受到未完全实现的特性分支的影响.


When do we remove it

  • When experiment is over (We can’t be doing one experiment forever)
  • When release is approved (e.g. Mock Closing ended)
- Permission Toggle Authorization Service
Purpose To hide release from deployment. Experiment new feature for specific users before releasing for public use. To limit user access on long-term capabilities and by job roles. For example, admin page, data access etc.
Longevity Short Term (Time-boxed) Long Term
Maintenance Product Team only Business Admin (by Job Role)

Introduce purpose-fit implementation separately for Permission Toggle and Authorization Service.

Feature Toggle Lifecycle

  • When setting up feature toggle, it will be disabled by default. Any users that want to see the feature needs to opt in.
  • When feature is ready to be released to general users, we can enable the feature by default.
  • At the end of the lifecycle, the feature toggle would be removed in the next release.

Disabled by default -> Enabled for developers -> Enabled for QA -> Enabled for Product Team -> Enabled for UAT users -> Enabled for general users -> Remove Feature Toggle

Maintain Toggle Config file


  • Toggle feature (on/off) by updating Toggle Config File for each environments.
  • This config file will be maintained in source code repository for version control.
  • CICD pipeline will be set up differently from existing Frontend code build pipeline.
  • Config file will be maintained in a different bucket / different folder from existing site assets.
  • Raise a Jira ticket and assign to dev team to update config file for lower environments (dev, stage, preprod); or raise a support ticket.
  • Raise a support ticket to update config file for production site.

  • Edit config file in code repository (Bitbucket)

  • Push edited config file into Bitbucket
  • Changes in Bitbucket triggers CICD pipeline
  • CICD pipeline pushes edited config file into S3 bucket
  • Config file is served via Lambda & API Gateway
// toggleConfig.json
      "feature1": false
      "developer": {
         "feature1": true
         "feature1": false
// toggleGroupConfig.json
    "developer":[ "user1" ],
    "productOwner": [ "user2" ]
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