- ADF PaaS Service
- IR (Integration Runtime)
- Azure SQL Server
- Key Vault
- AWS S3
- Azure Date Lake Storage
Integration Runtime
If you want to perform data integration securely in a private network environment that doesn’t have a direct line-of-sight from the public cloud environment, you can install a self-hosted IR in your on-premises environment behind a firewall, or inside a virtual private network. The self-hosted integration runtime only makes outbound HTTP-based connections to the internet.
踩坑:Linked service with Self-hosted Integration runtime is not supported in data flow.
Linked Service
1.Amazon S3
Authentication type: Access Key
Access Key ID: ###
Secret access key: ###
2.Azure Blob Storage
Authentication type: SAS URI
SAS token: sv=2020-02-10&st=2022-10-11###
3.Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
Authentication type: System Assigned Managed Identy
Authentication type: Service Principal
URL: https://[accountname]
Tenant: [Tenant ID]
Service principal ID: [Client ID]
Service principal key: ###
Azure cloud type: Azure China 踩坑:选Data Factory’s cloud type会导致删文件失败
Test connection: To file path: [container] SP如果只到container的权限to linked services是不通的
踩坑:ADF不能连接跨 tenant 的 Sharepoint,Global 的 Sharepoint 和 IC 的 ADF 肯定不通
- 申请VM,在VM上安装Azure Storage Explorer, 用Filetransfer直接入湖
- 将手工数据放在S3,用ADF copydata 从S3入湖
- 将手动数据放在Sharepoint, 用ADF 调 Sharepoint API 入湖 (Graph API: Not Granted)
Sharepoint API 见
Move & transform
>>> Copy data
AWS S3 -> Azure Data Lake Storage
Source: * Linked service: DelimitedText * File Path: [bucketname]/RowZone/MANU 踩坑:多层路径写在一起,自己用/分开 * Recursively: 勾选的话当文件夹为空会报错
Sink: * Linked service: DelimitedText
踩坑: s3中不能有.DS_Store, ~$MATERIAL_MASTER.xlsx这种隐藏文件
Azure Data Lake Storage -> SQL Server
Source: * Linked service: Parquet * File Path type: Wildcard file path (Wildcard paths: [container]/[filepath]/*.snappy.parquet) * Recursively: true
Sink: * Linked service: Azure SQL Database (Table: @dataset().SQLTableName) * Write behavior: Insert * Bulk insert table lock: Yes * Table option: Auto create table * Pre-copy script: @{concat(‘drop table if exists ‘,item().TableName)} 更新失败不会回滚
踩坑: ErrorCode=ParquetNotSupportedTypeGeneric,’Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Parquet file contained column ‘txn’, which is of a non-primitive, unsupported type.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Richfile.ParquetTransferPlugin,’
加上 .snappy.parquet 而不是 .parquet,_delta_log/里包含checkpoint.parquet files
踩坑:若原表是 delta table,数据源用 parquet 会导致数据中留下全部历史数据,link service 需选 AzureDatebricksDeltaLake
Databricks Delta Table -> SQL Server
Source: * Linked service: Azure Databricks Delta Lake
Sink: 同上
Setting: * Enable staging: (Specify whether to copy data via an interim staging store.) Storage Path: raw-sc/temp
staged copy:
踩坑:delta table导入到sql server表的每个字段格式都是nvarchar
解决方案1:先在sql server手动创建好表,解决方案2:先用source=parquet跑一次创建完所有表,以后再用source=delta主意不要用drop
Sink: * Table option: None * Pre-copy script: @{concat(‘truncate table ‘,item().TableName)}
Rest Resource ->
Source: * Linked Service: REST * Dataset properties: v_url = concat(variables(‘v_url’), item(), concat(‘?agentId=’,pipeline().parameters.v_agentId,’&agentName=’,pipeline().parameters.v_agentName),’&stockDate=’,formatDateTime(adddays(addhours(utcnow(),8),-1),’yyyy-MM-dd’))
Sharepoint (HTTP) -> Azure Data Lake Storage
用 HTTP 调取 Sharepoint 接口,将sharepoint文件入湖
Source: * Linked Service: HTTP * format: Binary * Base URL: @{concat(‘”/teams/XXXTeam/Shared Documents/General/’,linkedService().filename,”’)/$value’) } * Request method: GET * Additional headers: Authorization: @{concat(‘Bearer ‘, activity(‘getToken’).output.access_token)}
Sink: * Linked Service: Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 * format: Binary
Azure Data Lake Storage -> Sharepoint (HTTP)
- ADF Copy data 格式错误 失败
- 微软建议:ADF调Azure Function:Webhook+API (可行但没必要,Azure Function另外计费,已被Databricks取代)
- Databricks 调取 Sharepoint API 成功
>>> Web
Get Token * URL: https://xxx/oauth2/token * Method: POST * Body: grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=xxx&client_secret=xxx * Headers: Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
>>> Lookup
- Source dataset: Azure SQL Database
- Dataset properties: SQLTableName = [Table_Name]
- Use query: Query
- Query: @concat(‘SELECT * FROM [Table_Name] where JobFlag=’,pipeline().parameters.v_jobflag)
- First row only: False (默认勾选)
@concat(‘select Batchrunid, ActivityCode=(stuff((select ”,” + ActivityCode from ActivityLogs where Batchrunid=a.Batchrunid and ActivityStatus=”Failed” for xml path(””) ),1,1,””)) from ActivityLogs a WHERE a.BatchRunId=”’,pipeline().parameters.BatchRunID,”’ group by Batchrunid’)
>>> Stored procedure
提前在sql server创建好存储过程
- Linked Service: Azure SQL Database
- Stored procedure name: [Procedure_Name]
- Stored procedure parameters
Iteration & conditionals
>>> ForEach
在sql server中创建config table,遍历所有表执行worker
- Items: @activity(‘LookupConfigTable’).output.value
踩坑:ForEach 中调用 notebook 报错:java.lang.Exception: Unable to start python kernel for ReplId-6ab47-72d45-cb368-d, kernel exited with exit code 1. Another app is currently holding the xtables lock. Perhaps you want to use the -w option?
- Sequential: 勾选后顺序执行
>>> Notebook
- Notebook path
- Base parameters: 设置传入参数 “argument1”: “value”
dbutils.widgets.get("argument1") # value
踩坑:ADF 调用notebook 报错:java.lang.Exception: Unable to start python kernel for ReplId-xxx, kernel exited with exit code 1. Another app is currently holding the xtables lock. Perhaps you want to use the -w option?
解决方案: 1. 多个grandpa错开时间执行 2. 在ForEach 上Settings里勾选 Sequential 顺序执行,不并发 3. 调用 Notebook 时加上retry次数,Notebook 里需加上delete语句防止数据重复 4. Notebook 执行IPTABLES配置(未验证)
- 微软建议:Cluster增加配置 “spark.databricks.python.defaultPythonRepl pythonshell”
向 Microsoft Teams 发送通知
Incoming Webhook
Microsoft Teams -> Apps -> Incoming Webhook -> Add a team -> Set up a connector -> 保存 Webhook URL
>>> Set variable
- Name: MsgCard
- Value:
"@type": "MessageCard",
"@context": "",
"themeColor": "0076D7",
"summary": "ADF Pipeline Fail Alert message",
"sections": [
"activityTitle": "@{concat('【',pipeline().parameters.Status,'】【',pipeline().globalParameters.Environment,'】 ',pipeline().parameters.GrandpaName,' has executed ',pipeline().parameters.Status)}",
"facts": [
"name": "Environment:",
"value": "@{pipeline().globalParameters.Environment}"
"name": "Data Factory name:",
"value": "@{pipeline().DataFactory}"
"name": "Grandpa name:",
"value": "@{pipeline().parameters.GrandpaName}"
"name": "Batch RunID:",
"value": "@{pipeline().parameters.BatchRunID}"
"markdown": true
"potentialAction": [
"@type": "OpenUri",
"name": "View pipeline run",
"targets": [
"os": "default",
"uri": "@{concat('',pipeline().parameters.BatchRunID,'?factory=/subscriptions/',pipeline().globalParameters.ADFSubscription,'/resourceGroups/',pipeline().globalParameters.ADFResourceGroup,'/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/',pipeline().DataFactory)}"
>>> Web
- URL: @pipeline().globalParameters.TeamsWebhookUrl
- Method: POST
- Body: @json(variables(‘MsgCard’))
Sharepoint -> Azure Data Lake Storage
- 创建 app registration,storage account
- sharepoint 授权 app
- Datafactory 创建sharepoint连接器
- Datafactory 创建pipeline: getToken -> copy data
Azure Data Lake Storage -> Azure Databricks
- 创建 storage account, app registration, databricks cluster
- 在 containers 里上传csv
- 在databricks 中挂载(mount) csv
Azure SQL Database 1 -> Azure Data Lake Storage -> Azure SQL Database 2
- 创建 SQL database
- Datafactory 创建pipeline: copy data (db1 -> storage) -> Notebook(databricks) -> copy data (storage -> db2)