Swift Programming Language More

Access Control 访问控制



  • public (公开, 供外部调用): (for frameworks only) can be used by objects outside my framework

  • internal (默认, 限module内使用): usable by any object in my app or framework

  • private (私有, 限source file内使用): only callable from within this object

  • private(set): this property is readable outside this object, but not settable

  • fileprivate: accessible by any code in this source file

  • open: (for frameworks only) public and objects outside my framework can subclass this



A good strategy is to just mark everything private by default. Then remove the private designation when that API is ready to be used by other code.

Assertion 断言

An assertion is just a function that you call where you assert something to be true. And if it’s not your program crashes and print out an error.


assert(cards.indices.contains(index), "Concentration.chooseCard(at: \(index)): chosen index not in the cards")
assertion failed: Concentration.chooseCard(at: -1): chosen index not in the cards: file /Users/mac/Desktop/test/test/ViewController.swift, line 17

Extensions 扩展

Extending existing data structures: you can add methods/properties to a class/struct/enum (even if you don’t have the source)

swift可以为特定的class, strut, enum或者protocol添加新的特性。当你没有权限对源代码进行改造的时候,此时可以通过extension来对类型进行扩展。

  • 添加计算属性 - computed properties
  • 添加方法 - methods
  • 添加初始化方法 - initializers
  • 添加附属脚本 - subscripts
  • 添加并使用嵌套类型 - nested types
  • 遵循并实现某一协议 - conform protocol



Do not abused! The only method and functions you wanna add to string or methods that make string a better class, not make it knows about Concentration.


extension Int {
  var arc4random: Int {
    if self > 0 {
      return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(self)))
    } else if self < 0 {
      return -Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(abs(self))))
    } else {
      return 0

let randomIndex = 5.arc4random // 0 1 2 3 4
let randomIndex = emojiChoices.count.arc4random
Category: IOS

Author: Yoga

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